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genertec chairman yu xubo, a deputy to the 13th national people's congress (npc), attended the fifth session of the 13th npc and the plenary meeting of the delegation of inner mongolia autonomous region at the fifth session of the 13th npc.

taking into account the 2022 plan for national economic and social development and realities of genertec, yu proposed strengthening the ranks of elderly nursing personnel. yu said as an npc deputy from the business communities, he has a duty to fully reflect wishes of the industry and people.

as a state-owned enterprise (soe) that takes medical and healthcare business as one of the three core businesses, genertec  has actively developed health and elderly care business to better meet the growing demand of the elderly for health services by leveraging the strength in its wide-ranging, broad-span, complete-scenario medical resources.

“the core of the development of the elderly service industry lies in operation capabilities, while the core of the latter relies on the building of professional talent teams,” yu said.

yu found during surveys that the imbalance between supply and demand of elderly services remains due to the small size, poor professionalism, low comprehensive quality and unreasonable age structure of nursing personnel, as well as nursing institutions' difficulties in recruiting and retaining personnel.

yu suggested strengthening the building of nursing personnel teams by recruiting more staff through multiple channels, enhancing vocational education and professional capacity building, and helping nursing personnel deepen the sense of professional self-identity.

yu's suggestions and related statements during the fifth session of the 13th npc were covered by media outlets including cctv, people's daily overseas edition, people's daily online, npc.gov.cn, nmtv.cn, southern metropolis daily, and chinahightech.com.
